Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leopard Seal Story

“Oh my god” I trembled, horrified at the blood and puncture wounds on the front and back of my leg just below my knee…
There was so much blood I thought I was going to faint. I’ve never seen that much blood come out of someone in all my years of exploring, and now that I finally had it was coming out of me. I had no idea what to do. Should I panic or stay still. Yell or keep my mouth shut, I couldn’t breathe or move and I knew that for sure. When I could breathe again there was nothing I could do.
“We have to get you back to the hut” I heard Tim say as he swung me off the floor and into the boat before the seal had a chance to come back for more. Just as I landed safely on the boat, Steve finished loading all the things we had unloaded. We were just about to turn on the motor when we felt something shake the boat from under, in the water. I was to terrified to look, but Tim and Steve looked down the second it moved. In a blink of an eye the seal jumped onto the ice next to us but before we could catch our breath it attacked the boat and flipped it over sinking us into the water.
“Get on to the ice!” I shrieked. Everything had gone wrong on this journey. We all swam as fast as we could to the ice before the seal could get into the water and kill us all in its own habitat. We got onto the ice and took a breath of relief as we thanked god we were still alive. We were on the ice with the seal just a few feet away from us, we backed away with caution knowing that if we made one quick move we would be dead. Tim, obviously not knowing anything about surviving made the most dumbest action any person in front of a leopard seal can do. He scram, “Run!” And that second the seal went for him forgetting about me and Steve.
We both knew that he would be dead in a minute, and there would be nothing left of him. There was nothing we could do except save ourselves. So we got to the water, flipped the boat back over and forgot about everything that was still floating in the water. Nothing mattered more than saving our lives at that moment. We got on the boat, turned on the motor and went as fast as it could go. The seal no doubt heard the motor turn on and left Tim’s body to chase after our boat that was already a few feet away. We could see the seal gaining on us every second it got closer, my heart was beating like the speed of light.
It got faster and faster, it finally caught up to us when we were almost reaching out hut. I bet the seal could smell the blood in its nose even stronger as it got closer to us. I panicked, we weren’t gonna make it, the seal was faster than us. Closer, and closer, I was so busy panicking I didn’t realize that we had arrived at our hut. “Hurry up Claire! Its almost here!” And he didn’t have to tell me that because either way I would have as fast as I ever could have gone. With a big thud I was touching the ground and running inside of the hut before the seal could get any closer to me and Steve.
The hut was only a few feet away from us, but so was the seal. Steve and I were sure to keep quiet but be fast at the same time. The seal was near us and I knew that we weren't going to make it all the way to the hut without the seal attacking us like it already did with Tim. We were almost there! And when we got there we would go the the top and leave on the helicopter before more damage could happen. There we were on the front door and the only problem was to find the keys. Unless we left them where we got attacked with the seal because if we did, we would have to go back there and find them sinking. Oh no, what else could happen? “Have you checked everywhere?” I asked Tim. “No, I will check in my pockets.” He checked and...
There they were. “Hurry, he’s just a few feet away.” He got the keys and unlocked the hut. We got inside, locked the door  and were happier than anyone could ever be. Upstairs we went and in the helicopter, and all we could do is remember this trip, tell everyone the story and about Tim, and laugh about how we too almost died.

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